Först Global, Redwood Global LTD, Environmental Statement – October 2022

Först Global is deeply committed to environmental preservation, acknowledging the potential impact our operations may have on the environment. This policy, endorsed by the Senior Leadership Team, underscores our dedication to fostering environmental responsibility across all levels of our organisation.
Our commitment to environmental protection is rooted in the prevention of pollution and the continual improvement of our management systems. This involves setting and documenting environmental objectives based on our significant environmental aspects, complete with allocated targets and programs. Regular monitoring and review of these objectives ensure transparency and accountability, with results communicated throughout the organisation and shared with interested parties as appropriate.

As an organisation, we are unwavering in our commitment to:

  • Compliance: Adhering to all compliance obligations, encompassing legal requirements, codes of practice, and regulatory standards related to our environmental aspects.
  • Employee Support: Providing our employees with the necessary resources, equipment, information, instruction, and training to meet the requirements of this policy, tailored to their respective roles.
  • Pollution Prevention: Vigilantly working to prevent environmental pollution and integrating best environmental practices into our business operations.
  • Waste Minimisation: Minimising waste to landfill by reducing waste generation, segregating waste, and embracing recycling where economically and operationally feasible.
  • Resource Efficiency: Using energy, water, materials, and other natural resources efficiently, with a focus on the long-term sustainability of consumable items.
  • Lifecycle Consideration: Considering the environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of our business activities, including the products and services offered to our customers.
  • Partnership for Improvement: Collaborating with partners and suppliers to encourage commitment and improvement in our local environment.

We expect our employees and collaborating organisations to actively support and implement this policy, ensuring their work is carried out without risk to themselves, others, or the environment.

The Senior Leadership Team commits to an annual review of this policy, making amendments and re-issuing it when necessary. Archived versions are available upon request. This policy statement is prominently displayed on-site and is publicly accessible upon reasonable request by any interested party, reflecting our commitment to transparency and accountability in environmental management.